


Mora'le is a Tutoring Application with the mission to bridge between volunteering teachers and struggling students, in order to tackle the educational gap.

Mora'le is a Tutoring Application with the mission to bridge between volunteering teachers and struggling students, in order to tackle the educational gap.

Mora'le is a Tutoring Application with the mission to bridge between volunteering teachers and struggling students, in order to tackle the educational gap.




Teacher navigation

Teacher navigation

Teacher navigation

Student navigation

Student navigation

Student navigation

Users are made up of two groups, Students who need help with their studies, and teachers willing to help. we started off our research by interviewing students and teachers to understand their needs, and to create an easy to use environment.

Users are made up of two groups, Students who need help with their studies, and teachers willing to help. we started off our research by interviewing students and teachers to understand their needs, and to create an easy to use environment.

Users are made up of two groups, Students who need help with their studies, and teachers willing to help. we started off our research by interviewing students and teachers to understand their needs, and to create an easy to use environment.

We formed 3 Long term goals that will guide the application.

We formed 3 Long term goals that will guide the application.

We formed 3 Long term goals that will guide the application.

Bridging the gap for struggling students

Bridging the gap for struggling students

Bridging the gap for struggling students

Matching users by personal preferences

Matching users by personal preferences

Matching Users by personal preferences

Keeping user's privacy, safety and wellbeing

Keeping user's privacy, safety and wellbeing

Keeping user's privacy, safety and wellbeing

We came up with user specific and user general challenges to solve.

We came up with user specific and user general challenges to solve.

We came up with user specific and user general challenges to solve.

  1. How do we present student users with feedback, comments, recommendations on teachers?

  1. How do we create an understanding between both users on working together?

  1. How do we choose the format in which the tutoring will take place? (zoom, face to face)

  1. How do we make sure the privacy and safety of our users be kept?

  2. How do we insure our students feel comfortable and have an easy environment?

  3. How do we filter and arrange teachers?

  1. How do we present student users with feedback, comments, recommendations on teachers?

  1. How do we create an understanding between both users on working together?

  1. How do we choose the format in which the tutoring will take place? (zoom, face to face)

  1. How do we make sure the privacy and safety of our users be kept?

  2. How do we insure our students feel comfortable and have an easy environment?

  3. How do we filter and arrange teachers?

  1. How do we present student users with feedback, comments, recommendations on teachers?

  1. How do we create an understanding between both users on working together?

  1. How do we choose the format in which the tutoring will take place? (zoom, face to face)

  1. How do we make sure the privacy and safety of our users be kept?

  2. How do we insure our students feel comfortable and have an easy environment?

  3. How do we filter and arrange teachers?







Bridging the gap for struggling students

Cooperating Users

Cooperating Users

Bridging the gap for struggling students

Session Format

Session Format

Bridging the gap for struggling students



Bridging the gap for struggling students

Comfort, Ease

Comfort, Ease

Bridging the gap for struggling students

Information, Layout

Information, Layout

Bridging the gap for struggling students

In order to create a safe private environment, we decided that only students have the option to reach out to teachers, to keep the ball at their court and make sure that they can reach out whenever and whoever they feel comfortable with.

In order to create a safe private environment, we decided that only students have the option to reach out to teachers, to keep the ball at their court and make sure that they can reach out whenever and whoever they feel comfortable with.

In order to create a safe private environment, we decided that only students have the option to reach out to teachers, to keep the ball at their court and make sure that they can reach out whenever and whoever they feel comfortable with.

Personal Preferences filtering system to allow customization and personalization

Personal Preferences filtering system to allow customization and personalization

Personal Preferences filtering system to allow customization and personalization

Teachers choose their format of choice.

zoom, frontal meetings, and students see and have the option to choose a preferred method that will be displayed in addition to the teacher's location.

filters also include relevant grades and subjects.

Teachers choose their format of choice.

zoom, frontal meetings, and students see and have the option to choose a preferred method that will be displayed in addition to the teacher's location.

filters also include relevant grades and subjects.

Teachers choose their format of choice.

zoom, frontal meetings, and students see and have the option to choose a preferred method that will be displayed in addition to the teacher's location.

filters also include relevant grades and subjects.

Feedback and Comment section for ease of mind for the parents.

Feedback and Comment section for ease of mind for the parents.

Feedback and Comment section for ease of mind for the parents.

Feedback and comments from students and parents will be presented in the teacher's card when viewing teachers, one comment present and if needed, expandable to show more.

Feedback and comments from students and parents will be presented in the teacher's card when viewing teachers, one comment present and if needed, expandable to show more.

Feedback and comments from students and parents will be presented in the teacher's card when viewing teachers, one comment present and if needed, expandable to show more.

This is a Studential Project. It was created and made during my studies at Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Faculty of Design, Visual Communications department.

This is a Studential Project. It was created and made during my studies at Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Faculty of Design, Visual Communications department.

This is a Studential Project. It was created and made during my studies at Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Faculty of Design, Visual Communications department.

This is a Studential Project. It was created and made during my studies at Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Faculty of Design, Visual Communications department.